COVID-19 Rapid Response Bootcamps

As we journey into business unusual, it’s easy to overlook certain COVID-19 guidelines and supporting information when they don’t speak to our immediate business needs. A knee-jerk reaction for many to this pandemic is ‘How are we going to generate income to keep this business running?’

While finance is indeed a critical focus area, SME owners need to be reminded that their recovery quite possibly depends on the details they’ve overlooked regarding non-financial issues. And indeed, wrapping one’s head around these constant streams of information can be overwhelming to the extent that understanding is compromised.

As part of Edge Growth’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, our Business Development Support team have been presenting online bootcamps in the form of webinars, keeping our SMEs motivated and informed around local COVID-19 measures and helping to make them easy to process and put into swift action.

Here are two that you may find very useful –

Navigating Relief Funding Options

Navigating Labour Law